ramBunctious 2.0.1 review

by rbytes.net on

ramBunctious is a RAM disk program for Macintosh computers using OS X and later.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 132K
Developer: Clarkwood Software LLC
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Price: $25.00
Updated: 27 Sep 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

ramBunctious is a RAM disk program for Macintosh computers using OS X and later.

ramBunctious 2 provides basic RAM disk functionality for OS X, including being able to read from and write to RAM disks originally created using ramBunctious 1.x on OS 9 or below

OS X's driver architecture is wholly different from OS 9 and below, so we had to start over from scratch to implement a RAM disk suitable for OS X.

What's New:
Some RAM-only RAM disks would write out large data files to the hard drive. This was corrected.
Colored themes are now enabled for RAM disk settings window.
Fixed conflicts with a couple third party utilities to eliminate cosmetic problems.
Other miscellaneous cosmetic fixes.

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