QuitAll Programs 1.22 review
DownloadQuitAll Programs is a $15.
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QuitAll Programs is a $15.00 shareware program that quits all running programs on your Macintosh.
You will find this very useful if you:
• Frequently have numerous programs running and want to quit out of most or all of them before running other programs. Normally, you would have to select each program and quit out of each one separately. QuitAll does it with one double-click and a carriage return.
• Are running many programs in a project and want to quit the project and start another one.
• Are getting low on memory and need to re-claim available memory by quitting all programs.
What's more, you can create an Exceptions List to tell QuitAll Programs which programs you do NOT want to quit. For example, you may use the Stickies program which keeps sticky notes on your screen; maybe you want to keep your email program running when you run QuitAll Programs.
NOTE : Does NOT work with OS X
What's New:
Now works with OS 9.1 and 9.2.
AppleScript 1.6 or later.
QuitAll Programs 1.22 keywords