QuickStudy 1.1.4 review
DownloadQuickStudy is an online testing application software that allows you to create multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer tests.
QuickStudy is an online testing application software that allows you to create multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer tests.
Here are some key features of "QuickStudy":
Enter your own questions and answers -- even mix and match question types
Using the Explanations option you can show explanations for study purposes or hide for tests.
Categories option: Study and test by individual Categories or by all Categories at once option
Review only missed questions option
QuickStudy! points out problem areas for additional study
Obtain test results for both individals and for a group.
What's New:
Picture Document fields: Include any PICT or EPS file in questions.
External Document fields: Attach documents created in any other application, such as word processor, spreadsheet, CAD, program, etc. QuickStudy! will launch the external application and open the document for viewing.
User Codes: Grouping users by categories provides additional analysis features.
Complete interface redesign.
QuickStudy 1.1.4 keywords