QuickMedia Light 5.0 review

by rbytes.net on

QuickMedia Light allows even the complete beginner to create simple interactive, multimedia presentations that can, with a little experience, develop into much more complex scenarios.

License: Demo
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Omage Concept
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Price: $255.00
Updated: 22 May 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

QuickMedia Light allows even the complete beginner to create simple interactive, multimedia presentations that can, with a little experience, develop into much more complex scenarios. It is multiplatform (both editors and players) and supports most formats; AIFF, AU, Audio CD, AVI, BMP, DV, GIF, JPEG/JFIF, Flash, MIDI, MPEG1, Photoshop, PICS, PICT, PNG, QuickTime Image, QuickTime Movie QuickTime VR, Sound Targa, Text, TIFF, Wave, etc.

QuickMedia makes it possible starting from the MAC version to create a compilation for MAC (OS 8.6/9. */OS X) and WINDOWS (98, ME, NT4, 2, XP).

What's New:
an improved ergonomics and an increased comfort of use
QuickMedia Light generate Mac ans PC Runtime free of rights.

QuickTime 5 or higher

QuickMedia Light 5.0 keywords