Praat review

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Praat is a computer program with which phoneticians can analyze, synthesize, and manipulate speech and create high-quality pictures for their articles and doctoral theses.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 3998K
Developer: Paul Boersma/David Weenink
Price: $0.00
Updated: 21 Dec 2006
0 stars award from

Praat is a computer program with which phoneticians can analyze, synthesize, and manipulate speech and create high-quality pictures for their articles and doctoral theses.

Here are some key features of "Praat":
Speech analysis:
spectral analysis (spectrograms)
pitch analysis
formant analysis
intensity analysis
jitter, shimmer, voice breaks
excitation pattern

Speech synthesis:
from pitch, formant, and intensity
articulatory synthesis

Listening experiments:
identification and discrimination tests

Labelling and segmentation:
label intervals and time points on multiple tiers
use phonetic alphabet
use sound files up to 2 gigabytes (3 hours)

Speech manipulation:
change pitch and duration contours

Learning algorithms:
feedforward neural networks
discrete and stochastic Optimality Theory

multidimensional scaling
principal component analysis
discriminant analysis

high quality for your articles and thesis
produce Encapsulated PostScript files
integrated mathematical and phonetic symbols

easy programmable scripting language
communicate with other programs
(the sendpraat source code)
create hypertext manuals with sound I/O

machine-independent binary files
read and write many sound and other file types

grow or shrink menus
save prefs for fonts, views, sound devices.

NOTE: If your web browser does not open the .dmg file, double-click it. You will see a disk icon called PraatDisk. When you open it you will see the program Praat or You can drag this to your Applications folder. If you cannot open the .dmg file, try opening the .sit file instead with StuffIt Expander (you can use any Expander version except 8.0).

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