PowerGlot X 2.2 review

by rbytes.net on

PowerGlot is an easy to use tool for software localization.

License: Demo
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 2748K
Developer: PowerGlot Software
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Price: $199.00
Updated: 25 Sep 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

PowerGlot is an easy to use tool for software localization. It brings the ease of use of the Mac OS to developers willing to make their product available in the native languages of their users worldwide.

PowerGlot extracts the text from your applications, lets you translate it, then builds the localized applications for you, all this with a friendly user interface.

What's New:
PowerGlot is now compatible with Intel-based Macs. It has been tested on Mac OS X 10.4.
Fixed an issue with PowerGlot not always properly detecting the encoding in .strings files (UTF-8, UTF-16 big endian, UTF-16 little endian). Added encoding detection to .nib files proc- essing, as Intel-based Macs output UTF-16 little endian files.
Several other bug and stability fixes.

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