Power Clock 8.48 review

by rbytes.net on

The ultimate employee time clock, job/phase tracking, email, client/server

License: Data Only
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 7764K
Developer: Robbie Fletcher
Buy Now
Price: $150.00
Updated: 24 Aug 2014
5 stars award from rbytes.net

Power Clock 7.01 is other software developed by Robbie Fletcher.
The ultimate employee time clock. Easy to use, looks like a traditional mechanical time clock. Built-in Email. Employees notified of new email when clocking in or out. Job, Phase, Production tracking. Automatic lunch deduct. Clock in and out biometric fingerprint scanner. Secure time server. Employees can't cheat by changing computer time. Multi-site file sync. Automatic data backup. Client-server network mode. Affordable.
This other software is shareware, which means you can download and use Power Clock 7.01 for free during the trial period (usually for 30 days). At the expiration of the period you will have to buy the other product for $189.00. Power Clock 7.01 is available at regnow and Robbie Fletcher website. Power Clock 7.01 supports different languages (including English). It works with Windows 98/XP/Vista.
We have tested Power Clock 7.01 for spyware and adware modules. The software is absolutely safe to install.
Our website has thoroughly tested other product Power Clock 7.01, written the review and uploaded installation file (3716K) to our fast server.
Downloading Power Clock 7.01 will take minute if you use fast ADSL connection.

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