PixelToy 2.6.1 review

by rbytes.net on

PixelToy is simply a visual plaything for PowerPC-based computers.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 1555K
Developer: LairWare Software
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Price: $20.00
Updated: 06 Sep 2005
0 stars award from rbytes.net

PixelToy is simply a visual plaything for PowerPC-based computers. The fully customizable program colorfully animates a variety of moving patterns.

You can open and save PICT files, then blur or smear or distort them in real time. Watch swarming bees, a dancing sound wave, and more.

Only 15 minutes per launch.
Sets can't be created.

What's New:
Optimized Filters - The slowest filters (Blur More, Zoom In Fast, and Horizontal Spread) have been reworked for a dramatic speed improvement.
Particle Brightness - You can now assign specific brightness values to each of your particle generators.
Timer-based Animation - Potentially much more stable animation, less CPU-hungry on OS X, and continues to animate in many situations where it would have paused previously. Use the "Speed Limit" setting in Preferences to prevent PixelToy hogging your CPU.
Audio Source Selection - In addition to selecting an audio input device in the Preferences window, you can also select a specific audio source from that device. Note that many audio input devices only have a single audio source. You can also activate automatic gain control and manual hardware gain for devices that support it.
Stability - Several situations which could result in PixelToy unexpectedly quitting or (gasp) completely locking up your Mac have been remedied.
... Plus a wide variety of minor improvements and bug fixes.

CarbonLib 1.2 or newer.
QuickTime 3.0 or newer.

PixelToy 2.6.1 keywords