PigMoney 1.1 review

by rbytes.net on

Ever wondered where your money goes? We have, and that's why we've developed PigMoney.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 268K
Developer: SweetCocoa
Buy Now
Price: $13.00
Updated: 06 Mar 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Ever wondered where your money goes? We have, and that's why we've developed PigMoney. Thanks to PigMoney, you can easily track your expenses. On this page, you can read more about PigMoney, see some screenshot or download and give PigMoney a test-run. I'm sure you'll be convinced that spending money has never been so fun!

What's all the fuss about?
PigMoney is the new, affordable, elegant and easy way to manage your personal finances in Mac OS X. It's built from the ground up for Apple's revolutionary OS and is written in pure Cocoa (of course). PigMoney is extremely easy and fun to use: it has a dynamic search field like the one in iTunes. A report for the found transactions is compiled on-the-fly. Entering transactions is as easy as it can get: thanks to the auto-complete feature, you can enter your data as fast as possible, without a lot of typing. Moreover, PigMoney has an Auto-Repeat feature, for recurring transactions. Last but not least, PigMoney is just plain beautiful. See it for yourself in our gallery on this page. PigMoney is only at version 1.0, so it will only get better. Stay tuned...

Here are some key features of "PigMoney":
Auto-Complete makes entering data fun
Auto-Repeat enters recurring transactions for you
Easily search for transactions using the dynamic search field
Reports and pie charts are generated on-the-fly.
Data can be exported to spreadsheets, databases and Quicken
Data can be imported from spreadsheets, databases and Quicken using tab separated text
A month filter quickly displays data for a certain month
A progress bar provides visual feedback
PigMoney automatically checks for updates
Gorgeous, 100% native Mac OS X interface.

Shareware notice
Edit and remove transaction locked.

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