Wallpaper Manager 5.0.5 review
DownloadThe best wallpaper changer ever made. Lets you share images with other people.
| Wallpaper Manager 4.2.3 is themes & wallpaper software developed by
The Wallpaper Manager features an elegant user interface, mutliple-monitor support for different images on each display, watch directories that pick up new images automatically, and it's internet enabled so you can share your images with friends and family. Wide-screen displays are explicitly supported, and large collections are easily handled. Easily deal with 100,000+ images. You can rank images so it shows your favorites more.
This program is shareware, which means you can download and use Wallpaper Manager 4.2.3 for free during 30-days trial period. After this period you gonna have to buy Wallpaper Manager 4.2.3 software for $9.95 or uninstall the program. Wallpaper Manager 4.2.3 supports different languages (including English). It works with Windows 98/XP/Vista.
Latest Wallpaper Manager 4.2.3 does not contain any spyware and/or advertise modules, allowing installing it with no worries concerning valuable information loss.
Our website has thoroughly tested desktop product Wallpaper Manager 4.2.3, written the review and uploaded installation file (4061K) to our fast server.
Downloading Wallpaper Manager 4.2.3 will take minute if you use fast ADSL connection. Wallpaper Manager 5.0.5 search tags wallpaper manager share images desktop organize ceiva multiple monitor