PhotoLine 32 13.03 review

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PhotoLine 32 is a powerful image processing application that offers flexible text, vector, and image layers.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 16220K
Developer: Gerhard Huber
Buy Now
Price: $59.00
Updated: 04 Jan 2007
0 stars award from

PhotoLine 32 is a powerful image processing application that offers flexible text, vector, and image layers.

Among the standard features like painting, cloning, filtering, blending, and flood fill, it offers many special effects like squirl, shadow, glowing, distorb, morphing, 3d projection, and many dynamic layer effects.

PL 32 supports many picture formats. It can do transparent and animated GIFs,CMYK, multiple undo/redo levels, plugin filter, actions, batch conversion, and more.

Here are some key features of "PhotoLine":

Image Processing
16 bit per channel, support of CMYK and Lab
Color management with ICC profiles
Lossless imaging
Process digital photos
Retouch, correct, ...

IPTC and EXIF data handling
Rotate images lossless
Rename images and create catalogues
Create HTML galleries
Add and edit keywords
Powerful search capabilities

"Real" PDF Import and Export (not just a big image)
Multipage documents
Calendar and barcode creation
Rich text functions

Create Flash and GIF animations
Web Export
Tile images, create buttons and image maps

Many more
Batch conversion
Create slideshows
Record actions
Print multipage documents, flyers and labels

30 days trial.

What's New:
Support of Multiprocessor Computers
Support of USB-Sticks
Docked Dialogs Now Minimizable
Better menu structure

Image Processing
Channel Mixer
Easier Post-Processing of Photos
Healing Brush

Browse Functions
Support of External Software
Load/Save EXIF Data
Change EXIF Date

Text Enhancements
Text Styles
Spell Checking
Serial Document

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