Percentages 0.1.1 review

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Percentages - A small Dashboard widget to easily calculate percentages 1.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 336K
Developer: Paolo Grifantini
Price: $0.00
Updated: 08 Jan 2007
0 stars award from

Percentages - A small Dashboard widget to easily calculate percentages

1. Click here to set how the percentage is calculated: x means that the result will be the percentage of the first value; + means that the result will be the first value plus the percentage of the first value; - means that the result will be the first value minus the percentage of the first value
2. Insert 2 of the 3 terms, then the missing one will be authomatically calculated.
3. The black arrow indicate the last dependent variable, and is always set to the last term that has been calculated
4. Click the arrow to set this as the dependent variable

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