PDFView 0.14.3 review
DownloadDFView is a very simple Mac OS X application to display PDF files.
DFView is a very simple Mac OS X application to display PDF files.
But why should you use PDFView instead of Preview? Well, there's a simple reason: it's readable! What does this mean?
It means that the main window will open up maximized, and the zoom level will be automatically the highest possible to fit the document into your screen (you can decide, however, a default zoom level in preferences).
So, if you open a file with PDFView, you can display it as much big and readable as your screen would allow. No more need to zoom in to figure out what those small characters mean. Especially valuable if you are using a small size screen, such on 13" laptops.
PDFView's latest versions support also full screen mode, to make it even easier to read your documents.
PDFView is an Universal Binary and requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
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