PDFBlackbox VCL 10.0 review

by rbytes.net on

Add support for PDF security to your Delphi or C++Builder applications

License: Commercial
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 135329K
Developer: EldoS Corporation
Buy Now
Price: $294.00
Updated: 10 Dec 2015
0 stars award from rbytes.net

PDFBlackbox (VCL Edition) is a comprehensive collection of native components that help you compress, encrypt, sign and timestamp PDF documents from your Delphi, C++Builder or FreePascal applications. Both symmetric and certificate-based (X.509) encryption and signing is supported. VCL edition can be used with Delphi 4-7, Delphi 2005-2010, C++Builder 2007-2010, FreePascal.

PDFBlackbox VCL 10.0 keywords    security encrypt compress sign certificate encryption component control delphi