PasswordGenerator 1.1.0 review
DownloadPasswordGenerator is a tool for generating various types of passwords.
PasswordGenerator is a tool for generating various types of passwords.
PasswordGenerator can generate the following types of password:
Alpha Password: passwords with both lower and upper case letters.
Numeric Password: Passwords with numbers.
Alphanumeric Password: Passwords with lower case letters, upper case letters, and numbers.
Special Character Passwords: Passwords with lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, and special characters (such as +, -, etc...)
Each password can be generated with any desired length.
If you have trouble coming up with secure passwords of your own, try PasswordGenerator. It's easy to use GUI interface should help you generate random passwords.
What's New:
A copy to clipboard button
Saves the settings used to generate a password
Can generate passwords longer than 99 characters
PasswordGenerator 1.1.0 keywords