Osiris 2.8 review

by rbytes.net on

Osiris is a drag 'n drop application to post a folder or folders of files to specified newgroups using Thoth or MT-Newswatcher.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 94K
Developer: Wooden Brain Concepts
Price: $0.00
Updated: 25 Jul 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Osiris is a drag 'n drop application to post a folder or folders of files to specified newgroups using Thoth or MT-Newswatcher. OS X only. Osiris has been completely re-written in AppleScript Studio, giving it a full Aqua interface.

It supports y-Encode if you are using Thoth 1.5 or greater. You may still also use the original version and set your preferences manually using the script editor.

Osiris requires OS X 10.2 or greater. Osiris is open source, built upon a core routine by Dennis R. Cohen. If you are having trouble with Thoth crashes, make sure you are using the current version of Thoth.

What's New:
Completely rebuilt with XCode as universal binary
Outdated user preferences system rebuilt, so preferences will need to be reset
Addressed problem with MT-Newswatcher which does not allow empty body text by disallowing the option to to only post body text in first post for MT-NW
Made pads for zeros in post numbers infinite rather than just one zero (allowing > 99 posts).

Thoth or MT-Newswatcher for OS X.

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