OriginalSynth 1.0.1alpha review

by rbytes.net on

OriginalSynth allows users to manipulate a small portion of a sound wave (one 44th approximately or 1/44100 of a second).

License: GPL
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: d_hollingsworth
Price: $0.00
Updated: 24 Mar 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

OriginalSynth allows users to manipulate a small portion of a sound wave (one 44th approximately or 1/44100 of a second).
This is commonly referred to as a "wave table". Users can manipulate the wave table itself by drawing a line with two end points, drawing a point, drawing a curve, moving a point, or deleting a point. What the user makes is then repeated (oscillated) and sounds pitched.

Additonal features include the ability to combine multiple wave tabs (add/multiply), insert typical waves (sine, square, etc.), make pitch variations, and make duration variations.

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