objectiF 7.2 review

by rbytes.net on

UML-Tool for model-driven software development in C#, VB .NET, C++, Java

License: Demo
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 108989K
Developer: microTOOL GmbH
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Price: $1093.00
Updated: 12 Aug 2015
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Tool for model-driven software development with UML in C#, Visual Basic .NET, C++ and Java. Develop domain models with the UML and automatically transform them into technical models and large amounts of code. Round Trip with Visual Studio and Eclipse. Suitable for iterative development. For requirements modeling objectiF offers use case models, activity, sequence and state diagrams.

objectiF 7.2 keywords    model driven development model transformation iterative development domain model automation