NewsYouCanUse 2.7 review
DownloadNewsYouCanUse gets news feeds from websites, notifying you of new items.
NewsYouCanUse gets news feeds from websites, notifying you of new items. It comes with a directory of more than 260 feeds. Drag and drop interface lets you import feeds straight from web pages. Spyware free.
Here are some key features of "NewsYouCanUse":
Lives in your menubar
Icon and audio notification of new items
Built-in directory of hundreds of RSS and Atom feeds
Drag and drop interface
Configurable hierarchical menus and separators
Priority feed feature lets you know when something special comes in
Supports multimedia and BitTorrent enclosures
Customizable HTML display
News items open in your regular browser (Safari recommended).
What's New:
Better preview
NYCU's preview panel is dramatically upgraded, offering a complete HTML presentation of the feed, complete with embedded images. Mousing over a link displays the link's URL in the new status display.
Display preferences button
A new display preferences button in the newsfeeds window allows users to specify the fonts, font sizes and colors used in the preview display.
Help button
NYCU's help pages can now be accessed from a help button in the newsfeeds window. This will be useful to users who have switched off NYCU's dock icon and consequently cannot access the application's help menu.
Incremental XML parser refinement
The parser no longer hangs on malformed image tags.
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