NathanCheckers 1.0.1 review

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NathanCheckers 1.

License: GPL
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 7578K
Developer: Nathan Stocks
Price: $0.00
Updated: 01 Mar 2006
0 stars award from

NathanCheckers 1.0 has been RELEASED! I decided to skip RC4. Icons are all there in the OS X version. The windows version doesn't display an icon on the file, but does display an icon in the taskbar. All development resources (aka, my time) are now being shifted to putting in features for 1.1.

You need to have two humans to play this version, so grab a family member and try it out! Don't forget to let me know what you think.

Roadmap for future releases:

• 1.0: Runs on most people's computers, hotseat play only, no frills.
• 1.1: Add frills. Title screen, Instructions, toggle sounds on/off, input user names, document how to use your own theme (graphics and/or sound) and make theme-selection available in-game.
• 2.0: Add networked play (I'm planning on using the 'twisted' asynchronous networking framework)
• 3.0: Support for computerized opponent. Some people have suggested researching "Blondie24"...I'll have to check that out.

What's New:
Icon display on some platforms was fixed.
Build-script enhancements were done.

NathanCheckers 1.0.1 keywords