MyTunesRSS 2.3.6 review

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MyTunesRSS is 100% pure Java, i.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 7535K
Developer: Codewave Software - Michael Descher
Price: $0.00
Updated: 18 Dec 2006
0 stars award from

MyTunesRSS is 100% pure Java, i.e. it runs on any system with Java 1.5 and up.

You start MyTunesRSS which includes an embedded Tomcat server. On this server you can access a web application with any browser which lets you search your iTunes library by title and/or artists. Then you can create an RSS feed from the results.
And device capable of receiving RSS feeds can get the songs from your iTunes library through the feed.
For example the Playstation Portable can play songs from your iTunes library over WLAN with this application.

What's New:
artwork from MP3 should work better now

Java 1.5

MyTunesRSS 2.3.6 keywords