MyTime 1.3.2 review
DownloadMyTime is an easy-to-use time management application designed to help you keep track of the time you spend working on different projects.
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MyTime is an easy-to-use time management application designed to help you keep track of the time you spend working on different projects. Thanks to the application's clean and intuitive design, you don't have to spend a lot of time learning to use it - and can spend more time on your actual work.
MyTime's layout has been kept as simple as possible. The main window displays all vital information about clients, projects and tasks. Of course, as any good program, table columns are costumizable to fit your style. If you have a need for that extra information you removed from your column, such as a client's address or your personal notes, they are kept in two sliding drawers. This way your screen doesn't get too cluttered, but you can still access all the info you need with just a click, whenever you need it. MyTime's dock icon is animated by default so you know at a glance whether your work time is being recorded. Alternatively you could have MyTime as a status menu item, showing you the task you're currently working on and how much time you have spent on it already. All of these displays are optional and can be turned on or off inside the Preferences. Despite these animations, MyTime uses very little CPU power so your computer doesn't get slowed down, and the CPU spends its time where it's needed, doing your bidding.
Invoice example
MyTime provides four different formats for exporting your work (.mytime, CSV, tab delimited, HTML templates). The .mytime format is designed to create fast and easy backups, CSV and tab delimited work well for exporting your work into other applications, such as Excel to create graphs. HTML templates are designed to create invoices for the work you've done. You can also print those invoices or send them as PDF files to your clients. (Just export files to the web and then choose Print. There you'll have a choice between either printing the page or saving it as a PDF.) If you're technically savvy (or just adventurous) you can also build your own templates. Check out the Help file on how to. Do your clients have Macs? Send them a mytime file and let them view your invoices or check a project's progress.
Here are some key features of "MyTime":
MyTime is 100% Cocoa and leverages technology built into Mac OS 10.3 (Panther).
My Time requires little time from your processor while running, so that you can get on with your work.
Customizable invoice creation.
Flexible export options.
Native file format for backing up files.
Even keeps track of time while your computer is sleeping.
Tracks how much time you spend using each application.
Rendezvous support.
Specific time tracking (hours worked).
10 days trial.
What's New:
Updated registration engine to work with new registration server engine. updated their registration engine, so MyTime versions prior to 1.3.2. will not register with esellerate as of 3/10/06.
Users who experience problems when trying to register should update to 1.3.2. or later.
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