MODO 3.0.3 review

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MODO is an integrated GUI front-end to the MODTRAN4 radiative transfer code.

License: Comercialware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 8K
Developer: ReSe Applications Schlapfer
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Price: $390.00
Updated: 20 Jun 2006
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MODO is an integrated GUI front-end to the MODTRAN4 radiative transfer code. It has been created to ease the modelling of the at-sensor radiance for hyperspectral sensors but also for generic radiometric simulation tasks.

The basic functionality includes:
• running MODTRAN (creation and translation of tape5-s),
• plotting the MODTRAN - Outputs,
• extraction and conversion of spectra from the MODTRAN - Output,
• easy creation of sensitivity analysis series, and
• convolution of spectra to hyperspectral band characteristics.

The distribution of MODO includes platform-specific MODTRAN4 exectuables, compiled from the original MODTRAN code and is compatible to all current operating systems (Solaris/Linux/MacOSX/Windows).

What's New:
Version 3 adds full support for MODTRAN v3r1 and includes a complete installation for MODTRAN.

The software runs on the free IDL virtual machine, which is available for Mac OSX and other operating systems from

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