MindFusion.Scheduling for ASP.NET 3.2 review

by rbytes.net on

A calendar and scheduling component for ASP.NET.

License: Commercial
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 8090K
Developer: MindFusion LLC
Buy Now
Price: $300.00
Updated: 27 May 2015
0 stars award from rbytes.net

MindFusion.Scheduling is a calendar and scheduling component for ASP.NET. The control supports yearly, monthly, weekly and daily schedule views. Each view provides a distinct layout of the time cells and can display events such as appointments and meetings. The timetable view displays a day's schedule where the columns represent dates, locations, tasks or contacts, and the rows represent hours or minute intervals. The control is royalty free.

MindFusion.Scheduling for ASP.NET 3.2 search tags    calendar scheduling schedule appointment asp.net web forms control component