Metronomic 0.3 review

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I have added Metronomic to the projects section.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 61K
Developer: Jeffrey Qua
Price: $0.00
Updated: 12 Dec 2006
0 stars award from

I have added Metronomic to the projects section. This version(0.3) is the first public release.

Metronomic is a widget for Dashboard OS X. It's a simple metronome that helps you count beats. For those who are unfamiliar of what a metronome is, it is a device that comes in both analog and digital forms, where it counts beats and emits a sound to help musicians keep their rhythm constant.

I haven't really been an avid Mac proponent. I've only been a Mac user since I got my MacBook Pro back in June, but I have to say it's a satisfying feeling being able to easily create software for Dashboard which is a very powerful interface, but amplified by what you could use it for.

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