MegaPOV 1.2 review

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Pov-Ray is a ray tracer, computer graphics software that can create amazing photo-realistic computer-generated images and animations.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 7589K
Developer: MegaPOV
Price: $0.00
Updated: 29 May 2006
0 stars award from

Pov-Ray is a ray tracer, computer graphics software that can create amazing photo-realistic computer-generated images and animations. It uses an easy scene description language.

This text file containing information of objects, lighting, texture, camera, ..., can be written in any ASCII editor, but ...with MacMegaPov it is easier and faster and it includes some of the most recent patches.

What's New:
Control up to which trace level area lights are calculated
Bicubic interpolation for images
Custom tone mapping feature that offers detailed control of how the colors are mapped to the resulting image and how this interacts with antialiasing
Radiosity improvements.

MegaPOV 1.2 keywords