McIDAS-Lite 1.5.4 review
DownloadMcIDAS-Lite is a free image viewer that provides a simple tool for working with image files that are in McIDAS area or MODIS HDF format.
McIDAS-Lite is a free image viewer that provides a simple tool for working with image files that are in McIDAS area or MODIS HDF format. It can be used with data on the user's computer or remote data from public data sources.
A list of publicly accessible data sources is updated each time McIDAS-Lite is started, assuring the user easy access to free data. McIDAS-Lite is available for a variety of platforms (see below) in a simple binary installation package. McIDAS-Lite was produced at the Space Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin.
Here are some key features of "McIDASLite":
View McIDAS area and MODIS HDF format image files
Work with local or remote data
Display images with your choice of geographic center point and magnification factors
Place maps onto displayed images
Manipulate image/graphics colors
Loop through multiple images
Perform basic quantitative analyses
Save displayed images and graphics in other formats (GIF, JPEG, BMP, PS, PPM, or CPS) or save raw image files in netCDF format or as ASCII/Binary flat files.
Apple X11 installed.
McIDAS-Lite 1.5.4 keywords