MBBench 1.0.2 review
DownloadMBBench displays the speed of you hard drives and recording devices.
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MBBench displays the speed of you hard drives and recording devices.
Please note that the "Burn Test" doesn't display the speed but only gives you a good idea of what the speed is by measuring how fast the data is sent to the recording device.
What is the "Burn Test" ?
This simulates* a burn on either a CD or DVD in order to get the speed of the device. Actually, it doesn't display the speed but only gives you a good idea of what the speed is by measuring how fast the data is sent to the recording device.
The test works with devices that are iTunes compatible.
*this means that the media is left blank (the laser is turned off)
What's New:
Fixes an issue that would report bad values while resizing the window.
Now displays the Burn Speed when a media is being burned using LiquidCD 1.0b3 or later (except when burning cue/bin files).
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