MACeyever 0.5b review

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As simple to use as it is to install.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Visual Steel
Price: $0.00
Updated: 19 May 2006
0 stars award from

As simple to use as it is to install. MACeyever is a webware application that allows users to instantly preview your entire Apple iPhoto Library from your MAC over the web using just your personal web sharing.

It can be used on the slowest of connections and does not alter the functionality of iPhoto nor requires you to do any post processing or run other applications in the background.

Here are some key features of "MACeyever":
Allow anyone to preview your entire iPhoto Library instantly.
Scan only folders that have images.
Search by year, month, or day.
Jump instantly to any day, month or year.
Easy-to-use slideshow.
Mini thumbnail browser.
Error control for corrupted folders.
No highspeed connection needed to send or receive images.
No software running in the background or need for iPhoto to be running.
No duplicate copies or extra "caches" of images.
No post processing of images.
No altering of how iPhoto runs.
No waiting forever for images.
No mom confused on how to use it.

Personal Web Sharing on (in Sharing preference pane).

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