LookBusy 2.1 review

by rbytes.net on

You may have seen things like lookBusy before.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: AppleGeekware
Price: $0.00
Updated: 29 Sep 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

You may have seen things like lookBusy before. A small application that displays a progressbar that never actually moves, or shows any progress whatsoever. Though, it comes highly in handy when you really, really do not want to do anything. Well even though there are other people making simmilar applications, lookBusy is the most customizeable. You tell it everything! There are many actions it can pretend to do for you, and just email me if you have a good idea for one. You can make up any document you want to have it do also! And finally, it looks like the standard progressbar and includes a cancel button! Which happens to make it change its focus from your job to "canceling" even though that doesn't change until you initiate the start again. There are more details within the application, and it's very fun just to explore it

Here are some key features of "LookBusy":
Look busy when not, with a totally controllable progress bar
Zip text like when you unzip something with Zippo
Control the speed of production
Password protection
Prevent unauthorized quitting
Hide other applications
Many choices of "actions" (now custom).

What's New:
Manager Integration
Update URL Change.

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