LocationChanger 1.0 review

by rbytes.net on

LocationChanger automatically reconfigures many programs and resources according to IP address, wireless network ID, or gateway MAC address.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 365K
Developer: Ghose Lab, University of Minnesota
Price: $0.00
Updated: 21 Dec 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

LocationChanger automatically reconfigures many programs and resources according to IP address, wireless network ID, or gateway MAC address.

Currently locationchanger is capable of automatically modifying the following:

• NFS automounts
• Privoxy settings
• host file settings
• default printer
• Mail server and account
• iChat status and services
• Location setting in Network Preferences
• proxy status

Additionally, if growl is found, it notifies you of the new IP address, location name, and the hardware device of the new connection.

What's New:
all functions are now subscripts to allow for modular additions and debugging included the capability to run location specific apple or shell scripts fixed bug so that only active Mail accounts are listed by getlocation added Cisco VPN support (a special location definition file called VPN) completely rewrote to use location specific description files optimizations to avoid grep use uses locate and which to find support applications locationinfo and locationchanger use the same getlocation, getsettings, and getproxies scripts added SMB capabilities addded Skype capabilities privoxy restart only done if location specific privoxy file is found added check to make sure AppleScript is not called when no one is logged into console sets location to Automatic if no working interface can be found.

Growl (optional)
Privoxy (optional)
Skype (optional).

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