LoadInDock 0.98a review

by rbytes.net on

LoadInDock is yet another CPU monitor.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 123K
Developer: Takashi T. Hamada
Price: $0.00
Updated: 30 Dec 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

LoadInDock is yet another CPU monitor. It indicates the chronological graph of the system usage, in the Dock. :-)

LoadInDock uses the modules to draw a graph of the CPU load in the Dock. To activate and configure the modules, please choose 'LoadInDock' > 'Preference...' menu. On the preference panel, please choose a module you would like to use. If the selected module is configurable, please click 'Configure...' button to configure it.

This application uses some source codes of James McIlree's CPU.app in order to get the system usage.

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