latex2applehelp 1.0 review

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The program includes several components: A version of latex2html (the underlying conversion engine) modified to include more attractive navigation icons (created by Christopher Petrilli for the Python programming language's documentation) in the HTML output.

License: GPL
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: WordTech Communications LLC
Price: $0.00
Updated: 13 Jun 2006
0 stars award from

The program includes several components:

A version of latex2html (the underlying conversion engine) modified to include more attractive navigation icons (created by Christopher Petrilli for the Python programming language's documentation) in the HTML output. Files installed installed in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/share/lib/latex2html, and /usr/local/ lib/latex2html.

latex2applehelp, a command-line tool that drives the conversion process and applies the appropriate Apple Help HTML tags. Files installed in in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib., a GUI application that provides most of the same functionality as latex2applehelp. Files installed in /Applications/Utilities/latex2applehelp.

addtags, a command-line helper tool for the GUI application that adds the appropriate tags. Installed in /usr/ local/ bin. Both the command-line and GUI tools take a file name and Apple Help tag as arguments and provide HTML output that will display correctly in Apple's system Help Viewer program. The resulting ``index.html" page of the HTML output includes the correct Apple Help tags, for example: The resulting Apple Help book also displays in the standard Lucida Grande font.

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