Lasso Reference 8.5.0 review
DownloadLasso Referencewidget allows the online Lasso Reference to be searched for descriptions and syntax examples for any of the more than a thousand tags and data types in Lasso Professional 8.
Lasso Referencewidget allows the online Lasso Reference to be searched for descriptions and syntax examples for any of the more than a thousand tags and data types in Lasso Professional 8.5.
A tag name or partial tag name can be typed in the search box at the top of the widget. If more than one matching tag is found then a list of tags is presented below. Otherwise, the tag description, syntax example, and change notes from the online Lasso Reference are shown. The screen shot shows the documentation for the [Field] tag.
What's New:
Now provides information about over 100 new tags in Lasso 8.5.
Tag descriptions are more complete including more information about parameters and related tags.
Lasso Reference 8.5.0 search tags