Keith's iPod Photo Reader 1.0 review

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This program serves a very specific and minimally useful purpose, to provide access to the Apple iPod's elusive .

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 24K
Developer: Keith Wiley
Price: $0.00
Updated: 15 Dec 2005
0 stars award from

This program serves a very specific and minimally useful purpose, to provide access to the Apple iPod's elusive .ithmb photo library. These files can be found in the /Photos/Thumbs directory of an iPod Photo that has been synced to contain a photo library.

Keith's iPod Photo Reader is a simple little program that lets you view the photos stored on an Apple iPod Photo. The iPod can store full resolution photos for transferring between computers, but it uses a separate library of .ithmb files to store photos tha are displayed directly on the iPod or on a video device that is attached to the iPod. This program can read the .ithmb file format. It presents a browsable library of thumbnails that can be individually expanded to full size and saved to PICT files.

iPod photo.

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