Job Tracker 1.05 review

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Job Tracker was designed to permit consumers who are looking for employment, the means of tracking all events around a single job opportunity.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 7500K
Developer: AT Experts Software Incorporated
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Price: $17.00
Updated: 22 Jun 2006
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Job Tracker was designed to permit consumers who are looking for employment, the means of tracking all events around a single job opportunity. When the consumer needs to recall what was sent or said to a prospective employer, Job Tracker provides a quick waterfall based visual means of finding the information.
Job Tracker records the job details including salary, the application, covering letter, responses, web page links, conversations and any documentation around a job opportunity

We are proud of our newest member of the IT (Information Tool) family of tools designed to assist job seekers.

Applying for jobs but finding it difficult to stay organized? Which covering letter was used for this job versus the other one? Which resume was used? Who did I talk to and what was said?

• Currently working and looking for a new job?
• Recently loose your job?
• Are you a placement agency and want to offer your resources an opportunity to keep organized?
• Tired of trying to organize all your job specific information in folders and emails?
• Finding it hard to remember who you spoke with, which cover letter was used, which version of a resume was sent?

Here are some key features of "Job Tracker":
Unlimited job details
Unlimited Notes
Unlimited Contacts per job
Unlimited Correspondence sent
Mac or PC, your choice
Easy to provide Employment Insurance information when asked
Print out the detail sheet and bring it with you to an interview
And much more...

1 Job allowed in Demo mode.

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