Jin 2.14 review

by rbytes.net on

Jin is an open source, cross-platform, graphical client (interface) for the Internet Chess Club and the Free Internet Chess Server.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Alexander Maryanovsky
Price: $0.00
Updated: 03 Dec 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Jin is an open source, cross-platform, graphical client (interface) for the Internet Chess Club and the Free Internet Chess Server.

What's New:
* Fixed a bug which would reset the board to the initial position when a game
played by the user became examined.
* The "GameEnd" sound was not being played when a game played by the user
became examined.
* Most of the piece sets are now much better looking - they sport a border and
a translucent shadow.
* Removed the Cases piece set (the black rook is broken at some sizes) and
added the Utrecht piece set.
* Worked around a Java bug which caused Jin windows to be restored to a
slightly smaller size than the saved size under Linux/KDE (and maybe other
window managers). It's still isn't perfect, but better than nothing.
* Fixed a problem with resizing Jin's windows in MDI mode. The problem was
specific to Java 1.4.
* Fixed the game logger not saving a game if the user has examine=1.
See bug 1327781 for more information.
* Got rid of the jregex library - now using java.util.regex.
* Due to the above, Jin will now run only on Java 1.4 or later.
* Jin is now almost fully internationalized. See
http://www.jinchess.com/wiki/index.php/Localization for instructions on
localizing (translating) Jin.
* Added support for selecting the charset/encoding used for chat in the console.
This allows chatting in languages other than English on ICC.
* In an effort to make Jin prettier (and slower), did the following:
- The default piece set is now "Alpha".
- The default board on FICS is now Pale Wood (on ICC still Light Wood).
- The default move display mode is to show pieces while they're being dragged.
- In MDI mode, the windows will now show their contents while dragging and
resizing, instead of showing the outline only.
* Added new, useful variables like "win" and "userWhite" for the logging
condition in the Game Logger.
* Unix releases now come with a nice icon (icon.png) to use with a desktop
* Fixed a bug causing premoves not to work in Kriegspiel games (and make the
board stuck).
* In JinApplet, piece and board images will now load asynchronously. While they
are being loaded, the plain color board and eboard piece set will be
* FICS: Jin will now set autoflag to 1 (on login) the first time it is used
with some account.

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