iWisdom 1.21 review
DownloadiWisdom is a desktop application that will help a user manage a list of quotations or other brief insights.
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iWisdom is a desktop application that will help a user manage a list of quotations or other brief insights.
These bits of wisdom can be categorized and sorted. A view is available that will continually rotate from one wisdom item to another at random. Multiple wisdom collections can be maintained. The program can also be used to publish a wisdom collection in HTML.
Here are some key features of "iWisdom":
a number of related fields, including title, category, author, source, year of initial publication, and rights;
storage of your wisdom in an open, non-proprietary XML format;
multiple sorting and selection fields;
multiple collections with remembered viewing options for each;
multiple levels of categorization, with a tree view to let you see your items within categories;
automatic Web Publishing using XSLT;
a Find function;
a Category Mass Change function;
Web Page validation;
an import capability that can extract existing wisdom from a number of different file formats;
options to modify the look and feel of iWisdom;
a transfer function to convert a wisdom item to readable plain text, with a corresponding accept function to convert the plain text (after possible transmission via e-mail, etc.) into a new wisdom item on another iWisdom list.
Needs a reasonably current Java run-time.
What's New:
In some cases, when using a computer with varying display configurations, iWisdom could "remember" where it was last positioned and end up not visible with the current screen configuraiton. In these cases, pressing Ctrl-W (on Windows systems) or Cmd-W (on Mac systems) will return the window to a standard size and location so that it will be visible.
Corrected a "Null File" message that was erroneously being generated when trying to import an XML file from a Web URL.
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