iKnow & Manage 1.1.2 review

by rbytes.net on

iKnow & Manage is a database for storing and organizing any kind of data.

License: Trial
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 5175K
Developer: software by mabe
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Price: $20.00
Updated: 09 Jan 2007
0 stars award from rbytes.net

iKnow & Manage is a database for storing and organizing any kind of data. With the build-in datatypes you can very easy create and gather all information you need every day. Organize your thoughts, you tasks, even your projects.

Here are some key features of "iKnow & Manage":
uses SQL database for storing data
no limit of data, except the free harddrive space of your computer
has build-in datatypes like Text, Number, Currency, Bool, Date, URL, Image, File
set template elements for easy creating often used data
uses Drag & Drop for reorganizing (moving objects) and for importing and exporting data
uses internal Copy & Paste
has build-in search engine that is capable even of searching in external data like your filesystem and the internet
encrypt data that nobody is supposed to see with a string encryption algorithm simply accessible through the menu
uses it's own export and import format for sharing data with others or for creating backups of specific data
has a text editor for TXT, RTF and RTFD build-in
has an image viewer build-in
supports Aqua and Brushed Metal Look & Feel.

30 day trial period.

What's New:
added single instance saving to the IKAM-archiv
fixed a bug on date sorting
brought user guide up to date.

iKnow & Manage 1.1.2 keywords