Ihalematik 2.1 review

by rbytes.net on

Offers an ability to browse all tenders in Turkey.

License: Freeware
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 498K
Developer: iHALEMATiK
Price: $0.00
Updated: 18 Sep 2011
5 stars award from rbytes.net

Ihalematik 2.1 is other software developed by iHALEMATiK.
Ihalematik is a special online tenders tracking system which was built together its web site with information-subscription-support-contact pages, large tenders database and an efficient tender browser software. It has been designed especially for firms and offers great business opportunities.
This business program is freeware, so you can download and use it absolutely free. Ihalematik 2.1 supports interface languages and works with Windows 98/XP/Vista.
Latest Ihalematik 2.1 does not contain any spyware and/or advertise modules, allowing installing it with no worries concerning valuable information loss.
We has completely tested other software Ihalematik 2.1 many times, written and published the interesting article and uploaded installation file (498K) to our fast server.
Downloading Ihalematik 2.1 will take several seconds if you use fast ADSL connection.

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