iFreete 2.3.1 review

by rbytes.net on

For each freeware, you can : - see description - see system compatibility - see the author name - see the version number - see the architecture (PPC / Intel) - see in what language(s) it is localized - see icon - see screenshot - download it - go to the developer website - see our rating - rate/comment it - see users rating.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 1287K
Developer: Louka Desroziers
Price: $0.00
Updated: 28 Sep 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

For each freeware, you can :

- see description
- see system compatibility
- see the author name
- see the version number
- see the architecture (PPC / Intel)
- see in what language(s) it is localized
- see icon
- see screenshot
- download it
- go to the developer website
- see our rating
- rate/comment it
- see users rating.

iFreete also included a favorites and download manager and an extra-search by keywords .

You can help us by submitting a freeware easily via iFreete.

iFreete uses a data base on a server. If there is an update, you will be automatically alterted.

What's New:
Removed the favorites manager, and added a new feature : iFreete search for applications you got and alert you if there is updates for your applications (only if an application is referenced into the data base).

iFreete 2.3.1 keywords