iFille 1.3.6 review

by rbytes.net on

Click to read our editor's review for iFileiFille makes file format conversions easy and simple.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 3073K
Developer: AlienCrypt
Buy Now
Price: $10.00
Updated: 17 Aug 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Click to read our editor's review for iFileiFille makes file format conversions easy and simple. You can convert single or multiple files at once into the following formats:

Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (RTF) - (RTFD), Simple Text (.TXT), HTML Documents, (HTML Web Archives), and (XML) Documents.

You can also instantly convert multiple formats into single file format. An Additional feature is the multiple and simultaneous file-folder locking-unlocking. File conversions can be done also with Files-Documents directly from-to External Drives, USB Devices, iPods, etc. This also applies to Locking-Unlocking Folders, Volumes and Files.

What's New:
minor update
Added Browser Clean/Purge (users requests)
Receipts Clean/Purge (users requests).

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