iChem 1.3 review
DownloadiChem, written in Cocoa for Mac OS X exclusively, is a full-featured periodic table and molecular weight calculator.
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iChem, written in Cocoa for Mac OS X exclusively, is a full-featured periodic table and molecular weight calculator.
It offers a multitude of features you won't find in many other places. The molecular weight calculator alone is invaluable to chemistry professors, students, and practitioners the world across.
Here are some key features of "iChem":
All the elements. Well, 110 of them anyway. How many do you need?
Information on each element including melting point, energy of fusion, atomic radius, ionic charge, atomic mass, vaporization energy, and more! See the screens page for more.
Drag and drop of element information into anything that accepts text!
Gorgeous color-coded buttons for the element classes (Nonmetals, Transition Metals, Noble Gases, etc.) that you can turn on or off individually or as a group.
An advanced molecular weight calculator that also calculates the % mass and % exact mass. Easily handles nested (i.e. C(CH3)4) formulas. In fact, even formulas as complex as "((C6H5)H2N)2(C7H5)2NH2 + (H2SO3)2" work!
Handy features such as "Quick Open," a Dock Menu, and preferences.
What's New:
Moved registration scheme to the FSS style
Updated some information on a few elements
Fixed a small leak in the molecular weight calculator.
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