Horribly 3D Halloween Screen Saver 1.2 review

by rbytes.net on

This fun 3D screen saver is truly like none you have seen before.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 3191K
Developer: Useless Creations
Buy Now
Price: $7.00
Updated: 20 Oct 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

This fun 3D screen saver is truly like none you have seen before.

The kids run from the ghosts in a fully 3D cemetary, and there are heaps of different costumes for them to wear including Harry Potter, Buffy, Yoda, and Halloween favourites like Pirates, Skeletons and Witches, and heaps more!

Periodic Registration Messages.

What's New:
Universal binary.
Fixed multi-monitor problem.
Updated graphics.
Many other small bug fixes.

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