Hong Kong Traffic Lite 1.2 review

by rbytes.net on

A widget gives you quick access to Hong Kong Transport Department’s Traffic Monitoring Camera System.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 49K
Developer: WithoutWidget
Price: $0.00
Updated: 22 Nov 2005
0 stars award from rbytes.net

A widget gives you quick access to Hong Kong Transport Department’s Traffic Monitoring Camera System. That system covers most Hong Kong major highways and truck roads. HKTraffic Lite is a interface to that system so you can select over 100 camera from the widget and give yourself a idea of the Real-Time traffic information in Hong Kong. HKTraffic Lite supports English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese for location display.

HKTraffic Lite is also a good Hong Kong webcam alternative! Try Tsing Ma Bridge or Tolo Highway if you want a view!

What's New:
District categories have been added - you can now select camera according to their district!
New and improved Picture Fetching Engines - no more getting cached images
Fixed location saving bug.
Fixed Next and Prev bug.

Mac OS X 10.4.1 or later
Need to enable your Safari’s Accept Cookies Preference to “Always”.

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