Google Maps Plugin 2.6 review
DownloadThe Google Maps Plugin enables you lookup your Apple Address Book addresses using Google Maps as well as get directions between your Address Book addresses.
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The Google Maps Plugin enables you lookup your Apple Address Book addresses using Google Maps as well as get directions between your Address Book addresses.
Google Maps supports street maps for the United States, the UK, Canada, and Japan at the time this was written.
What's New:
Work-around for Google Earth: no longer adds contact name to addresses when looking up in Google Earth, otherwise Google Maps returns a Google Earth KML file with coordinates of 0,0 (near Africa). This bug was reported last week, Google altered something on their end.
Users can now choose their preferred Google Maps domain. The default setting in based on your preferred address formatting in Address Book.
Option to add the country name to the address for searches (in the previous version it always did, now you have a choice).
Google domain list can be customized, if necessary, inside the shared framework.
Country names are now looked-up from the Address Book framework itself.
Rewordings and misc. improvements.
Apple Address Book.
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