glGo 1.3.1 review
DownloadPANDA-glGo is a 3D and 2D Goban, game viwer and editor, client for IGS-PandaNet and interface for GNU Go.
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PANDA-glGo is a 3D and 2D Goban, game viwer and editor, client for IGS-PandaNet and interface for GNU Go. glGo is written in C++ and Python and based on wxWidgets, OpenGL and SDL.
Here are some key features of "glGo":
A fancy 3D goban display. The board can be rotated and zoomed
A classic 2D goban display
Client for IGS-Pandanet
Support for GNU Go over GTP
Runs on Windows, Mac and Linux
Loads and saves SGF files
Loads UGF files and the PandaNet mail magazine games
Loads Ishi files
Loads games in the Jago XML file format
SGF game editing
Two different game tree displays
A player database tool implemented as Python plugin
A standalone manager for the player and games database
A converter for UGF to SGF format
A converter for Ishi to SGF format.
What's New:
Added Czech translation, thanks to Chejnik.
Fixed bug in nmatch dialogs: Preselected handicap was not correct when matching a player with a "+" rank. Also 5k? vs. 5k should be nigiri, not black.
Support for nmatch disputes.
Handicap in nmatch games on non-19x19 board works now.
Added the "?" stats button and the game history display to the nmatch dialog.
Changed nmatch dialog "Cancel" button to "Decline" for incoming requests and disputes.
Rewrote the way the territory estimator is called, which should hopefully help against possible crashes.
Fixed disappearing marks from territory estimator when resizing or moving the window.
Fixed a miscalculation in the territory estimator. Dead stones would only count as one point (capture), but not as territory. Obviously wrong.
Territory estimator now correctly handles handicap games.
Play system sound when you are "beep"ed.
Disable connect/disconnect menu depending on the connection state.
Fixed possible crash when calling the GNU Go score estimation under Windows 98 (Windows 2 and XP were not affected).
Added possibility to select custom background image in the "Display options" dialog.
This should make it easier to use the great background images provided by ChiyoDad.
Support for Komi changes in own games. Also, hopefully all the komi issues with various languages using "," instead of "." for the decimal point are now fixed.
Support for 5-minutes disconnect rule. Display some dialogs to inform the user what is going on and why.
Fixed bug with kibitz from "+" accounts. Missed that in the newrating change.
Added -debug commandline option. Will write all communication with server to debug log.
Disabled by default. Start with "glGo -debug" to enable this feature.
Added -noport commandline option, replacing the previous option in the preferences dialog. This prevents glGo listening on localhost:9998 for connections used by the open_sgf.exe/py program, which is meant to open SGF files in an already running glGo without starting a new instance. The whole mechanism should be rewritten.
Never display those SYSTEM messages in a tell window, even if they are not handled. Just print to terminal instead.
Linux only: GLGO_SHARED_PATH environment variable now also accepts a list of paths in the form of: /usr/share/glGo/:/home/peter/.local/share/glGo/. Required for the new autopackage installer, as the environment variable could contain more than one directory if glGo was installed both local and system-wide.
Added the missing python scripts (, etc.) to the autopackage.
Update window titlebar on next played move, when the title of a broadcasted game was changed after observing already started.
Redesigned the gameinfo dialog a bit. No changed functionality, just moved the textareas around so the Date and Place fields get more space.
Bugfix: Bozo check in shouts only killed the output in the shouts window, but not in the terminal.
Display own shouts when typed as "shout foobar" in the terminal. IGS gives no feedback on own shouts, so we need to fake some output.
After own games finished, use "tell" instead of "say" when chatting in the sidebar.
Added ability to double-click on a player in the glGo Playermanagement window. Will send "stats " to IGS and then open the playerinfo dialog once the stats feedback came back.
Mac only: Changed the keyboard shortcut for Playermanagement in the IGS mainwindow from Apple-M to Command-M, as Apple-M is by default attached to Minimize window.
Windows and Linux shortcuts are still Control-M as before.
Prevent the logfile from growing infinitely: Check size of $HOME/.glGo/glGo.log.
If > 500 KB, rename to glGo.log.old and delete previous glGo.log.old if it existed.
Removed the "Delete move" toolbar icon (the trashcan). Function is still available through the Edit menu and Control-D keyboard shortcut.
Fixed the toolbar buttons which were not properly disabled for certain board types.
Fixed the occasionally wired scrolling behaviour on Windows, when the complete text would scroll up with only the last line visible on the top.
Adjust komi according to handicap when starting a GTP game.
Linux: Better compatibility with Gnome themes.
Added possibility to configure some aspects of the marks in the 2D board, as requested by frankiii who created a glGo skin: Create a directory share/data and move share/config.ini to share/data/config.ini. Edit share/data/config.ini.
Fixed some possible crashes when opening a playerinfo dialog and closing the parent window quickly.
Keep menubar when switching board to fullscreen.
Linux only: Append ".sgf" to the default filename when saving a game.
Support for "addtime" command: Time is now added to clocks before a move was made, info message is displayed in the game window instead the terminal and saved to SGF.
Added right-click popup menu to the opponents clock in own games.
Send "channels" when opening the Channel window, it is empty and you are currently not in a channel.
Check for tell buffer limit and notify user if exceeded.
glGo 1.3.1 keywords