GanttProject 2.0-pre2 review
DownloadGanttproject is a pure Java application thats lets you plan project using Gantt charts.
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Ganttproject is a pure Java application thats lets you plan project using Gantt charts.
It lets you easily breaks down a project into tasks, show dependencies, and manage resources. It uses a file format based on XML and can export into HTML and PDF documents using XSL transformations.
The software is translated into 20 languages.
The second preview for 2.0 of GanttProject is out! We're publish the zip distribution that contains launchers for Windows (.bat file), Linux (.sh file) and MacOSX (.app file). Other installers (like win32 .exe) are not guaranted to work correctly.
What's New:
HTML and PDF exporting have returned renewed. Hopefully, they are more usable now. Instead of confusing "XSL file location" fields in the options dialog, use theme selector in the exporting tool. (How can I add my custom themes to this selector?!)
You may upload to FTP any exported files. The checkbox "Publish files on FTP" is available on the second page of the Export Wizard.
Long running exporting and FTP publishing operations are controlled by progress monitor.
Task indentation in the tree view has been repaired.
MPXJ library has been updated.
Gantt chart
New option controlling weekend rendering style has been added. You may chose to render task bars over weekend (as in 1.10.x), weekend over task bars or something between these two extreme values. Find this option in the gantt chart option page.
Dependencies from/to supertasks now work correctly. If you shift a predecessor of a supertask, the supertask is also shifted with all it's subtasks.
Dependency loops are checked. It includes not only simple loops (task1 is a predecessor of task2 which in turn is a predecessor of task1) but also more complex ones.
Property "fixed date" of a task start date has been replaced by a property "hardness" of a dependency. Find it in the task properties dialog, on Predecessors page. Projects which use this property will be automatically converted.
Option affecting gantt and resource charts have been grouped in the dedicated option pages. Now you may change chart colors and details from the single place. Option pages are also available from chart context menus.
Option "show status bar" has been removed.
New gantt chart options have become persistent.
New splash screen and logo images.
Toolbar has become less crowded. Actions available from File menu were removed, task indentation, swapping and linking buttons were moved to the local gantt chart toolbar. We expect that buttons controlling project state saving and comparing will be removed as well.
Our own home-grown date picker component has been replaced with one provided by Java Desktop Network Component project.
Java 1.4.2 or later.
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