ftp-config 2.5.0 review

by rbytes.net on

ftp-config is a GUI (graphical user interface) that helps you install a professional ftp-server on Mac OS X.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 3917K
Developer: Gritsch Gabriel Software Development
Buy Now
Price: $20.00
Updated: 23 May 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

ftp-config is a GUI (graphical user interface) that helps you install a professional ftp-server on Mac OS X. No need for compiling, installing and configuring. Quick and simple with support from "ftp-config". Just check it out.

Here are some key features of "ftpconfig":
runs under MacOSX 10.2.x (Jaguar) and 10.3.x (Panther)
tested on Jaguar 10.2.6
tested on Panther 10.3 (WWDC-Preview) and 10.3 Final
compiled with GCC v3.3 (in future versions with the new IBM-compiler)
monitoring of online users (and their activities)
online users can be killed
logfile-visualization (up/down stats)
logfile export in HTML-format
added a email-notification on updates (APPLE+PLUS)
shows the systems running on your Mac
shows the systems uptime
shows the server uptime
shows the hostname
shows if the systems ftp-server is enabled
shows if the systems firewall is enabled
added some layout features like transparency
optimized the layout
purging the logfile
FXP transfers enabled
SSL/TLS for secure encrypted connections
overworked log-tab
oprimized in filesize from 2.5MB to 2.0MB
new core-version implemented
notification to your email-adress on new uploads
startupItem which starts the server when the mac is booting
Displaying messages when user logs on
Displaying messages when a user gets into a special folder
no installer is needed. (unly unzipping in the finder)
You can select dirs containing spaces, dots and so on
simple handling with the system's firewall
simple activation of anonymous-ftp
shows your remote IP adress (APPLE+I)
systemindependent database to store the users and their limitations
simple user-management to add/edit/delete users from the database
system-users independent ftp-users and anonymous login (can be disabled)
support for all Apple CPUs (G3, G4, G5)
function to check for main updates
server speaks 17 languages
message system to send feedbacks to the developer
tool named "ftp-stats" to display main ftp status in finders menuebar
choice of port (standard is port 21)
choice of passive-ports (if needed)
choice of maximal online users (overall, per user, anonymous)
choice of max IDLE-time before disconnecting
overfill protection of your harddisk
supports the FXP protocol (non-anonymous, all)
supports broken clients and NAT-boxes
avoids common mistakes from newbie-users
supports IP4 and IP6 (IP6 can be disabled)
passive and active mode (passive can be disabled)
chroot (enclose the users in their homedirectory and subfolders) (for all and/or individual users)
allow/disallow renaming
allow/disallow overwriting
allow/disallow resume (up and down)
allow/disallow usage of the CHMOD command
allow/disallow downloading/reading/writing dot-files
show/hide dot-files (for all and/or for anonymous users)
bandwidth limitation (for all, anonymous or individual users)
seting ratios (for all, anonymous or individual users)
max size and amount of files can be adjusted
creation mask for folders can be adjusted (set UMASK)
disable anonymous logins
disable database-user logins (only anonymous)
allow/disallow anonymous users to create folders
allow/disallow anonymous users to upload files
display banners, cookies and short messages to the users
allow/disallow connecting to the server in a special range of day time
you can use a MySQL-Database to manage your users
you can edid/add users remotly from any operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux etc). (only if you are using MySQL).

Evaluation version has a 10 times 24-hours limit.

What's New:
you can use a MySQL-Database to manage your users
you can edid/add users remotly from any operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux etc). (only if you are using MySQL)

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