FotoStation Classic 5.0build55 review

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FotoStation Classic has been designed for people who work professionally with digital assets.

License: Demo
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 31K
Developer: FotoWare
Buy Now
Price: $539.00
Updated: 11 Dec 2005
0 stars award from

FotoStation Classic has been designed for people who work professionally with digital assets. It puts you in command whether you work alone or in a large organization, and whether you have just started building an archive or need a fast, powerful solution to organize you existing one.

FotoStation Classic offers powerful workgroup collaboration tools and adapts perfectly to even the most complex workflow requirements.

Here are some key features of "FotoStation Classic":
Advanced searching and retrieval
Drag and Drop
Captioning of files
Handling of digital camera files
Offline Storage
Color Management
Greatly customizable interface
Text record import and export
Integration with other systems.

You can evaluate FotoStation Classic 5 for 30 days without a serial number.

What's New:
Zoom in preview 10% to 800%
Scroll multiple preview windows simultaneously
Browse sub folders in indexed archives. (Requires IM 4.6)
Share project folders from a server.
Work offline option for logon to server.
New actions.

Mac OS 10.3 or higher
Screen size 1024 * 768. 1280 * 1024 recommended
At least 256 MByte ram. 512 MByte recommended.

FotoStation Classic 5.0build55 keywords